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What People Say About Virtual DRR Platform

Ramesh Silwal
Ramesh Silwal
- Resident, Sarlahi
I am one of the victim of Flood that happened last year. With this platform, I could raise my voice and share my opinion on the conditions at my area. Later, we got relief from Government. I would like to thank this platform for hearing our voices and reaching out to the authority.
Shristi Tamang
Shristi Tamang
- Student and Resident, Dhading
Last summer, there was a wildfire in the jungle of our area. A lot of trees were burned to ashes. I believe it is due to climate change. I feel so good to share my views on the recent discussion topics regarding the wildfire happening around Nepal.
Sarita Yadav
Sarita Yadav
- Masters in Disaster Management
I recently completed my Masters in Disaster Management (DM). I have keen interest in this field, working in this field for over 5 years. The situation of DM in country like Nepal is worse. A lot of effort has been performed by Government and CSO's. I found this platform very interesting which can help a lot of people to raise their voice and be sensitized at the same time.
Shyam Bahadur Maharjan
Shyam Bahadur Maharjan
- Environmental Engineer
I am Environmental Engineer by profession. I have been working in the field of Disaster for 40 years. Climate Change and it's affects are real deal and not many are concerned about it in real world. I feel very happy to share my thoughts and opinions in this platform. I could connect to lot of young minds and know their perspective on Climate Change.

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